Home » Pounds to Troy Ounces

Pounds to Troy Ounces

In this pounds to troy ounces category you can find our posts explaining particular mass conversions from lbs to troy ounces, that is from international avoirdupois pounds (lbs) to troy weight (oz t). In every article there is also a link to change x pounds to avoirdupois ounces. Besides the result, we also provide you with the formula and lots of useful information, such as, for instance, regarding the use of the units. In each post you additionally find directions for further information about the units, and the math is explained as well. A comment form to ask a question is part of every entry, too. Also explained is the use of our search conversions form, and most articles include a link to the inverse conversion. Finally, every post contains a high-precision mass converter you are going to like as it is easy to use and can revert lbs and oz t.